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Welcome To Kualanamu Internasional Airport

Jika berkunjung ke kota medan jangan lupa singgah ke Berastagi, Prapat, Istana Maimun, Mesjid Raya.

Welcome To Kualanamu Internasional Airport

Jika berkunjung ke kota medan jangan lupa singgah ke Berastagi, Prapat, Istana Maimun, Mesjid Raya.

Welcome To Kualanamu Internasional Airport

Jika berkunjung ke kota medan jangan lupa singgah ke Berastagi, Prapat, Istana Maimun, Mesjid Raya.

Welcome To Kualanamu Internasional Airport

Jika berkunjung ke kota medan jangan lupa singgah ke Berastagi, Prapat, Istana Maimun, Mesjid Raya.

Welcome To Kualanamu Internasional Airport

Jika berkunjung ke kota medan jangan lupa singgah ke Berastagi, Prapat, Istana Maimun, Mesjid Raya.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hubungan pengetahuan dengan sikap terhadap aborsi

Hubungan pengetahuandengan sikap terhadap aborsi. Pengetahuan dalam penelitian ini adalah segala pengetahuan dari responden mengenai aborsi, seperti pengerian aborsi, jenis-jenis aborsi, penyebab aborsi dan sebagainya. Armiwulan, 2004 (dalam,2008) mengungkapkan bahwa pengetahuan tentang aborsi mencakup bentuk-bentuk antara lain pengertian aborsi, jenis-jenis aborsi, risiko aborsi, aborsi aman (safe abortion), norma agama tentang aborsi, serta pandangan hukum positif Indonesia tentang aborsi.
Tabel 3 menunjukkan bahwa responden yang mempunyai pengetahuan yang baik lebih cenderung memiliki sikap positif terhadap aborsi yaitu 285 responden (92,8%) dibandingkan dengan yang memiliki sikap negatif yaitu 22 responden (7,2%). Begitu halnya dengan responden yang mempunyai pengetahuan negatif umumnya juga cenderung memiliki sikap positif terhadap aborsi yaitu 30 responden (89,0%).
Hasil uji statistik dengan Chi-Square diperoleh nilai p = 0,000 (p < 0,05). Hal ini berarti ada hubungan antara pengetahuan yang cukup dengan sikap yang positif terhadap aborsi pada wanita usia subur di Kelurahan Tamalanrea Makassar. Hasil uji statistik dengan koefisien φ (phi) diperoleh nilai phi = 0,314. Hal ini berarti terdapat hubungan sedang antara pengetahuan yang cukup dengan sikap yang positif terhadap aborsi pada wanita usia subur di Kelurahan Tamalanrea Makassar.
Hubungan tingkat pendidikan dengan sikap terhadap aborsi
Tingkat pendidikan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenjang pendidikan yang pernah dijalani responden. Tingkat pendidikan ini dibagi menjadi dua kategori yaitu rendah dan tinggi.
Tabel 3 menunjukkan bahwa responden yang memiliki tingkat pendidikan tinggi cenderung memiliki sikap positif terhadap aborsi yaitu 261 responden (90,9%) dibandingkan dengan sikap yang negatif terhadap aborsi yaitu 26 responden (9,1%), sedangkan responden yang memiliki tingkat pendidikan rendah mayoritas memiliki sikap positif terhadap aborsi yaitu 54 responden (85,7%) dibandingkan dengan sikap yang negatif terhadap aborsi yaitu 13 responden (19,4%).
Hasil uji statistik dengan Chi-Square diperoleh nilai p = 0,015 (p < 0,05). Hal ini berarti ada hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan yang tinggi dengan sikap yang positif terhadap aborsi pada wanita usia subur di Kelurahan Tamalanrea Makassar. Hasil uji statistik dengan koefisien φ (phi) diperoleh nilai phi = 0,129. Hal ini berarti terdapat hubungan lemah antara tingkat pendidikan yang tinggidengan sikap yang positifterhadap aborsi pada wanita usia subur di Kelurahan Tamalanrea Makassar.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

This is 10 World's Most Expensive Coffee

10 World's Most Expensive Coffee

coffee drinks

1. Kopi Luwak - Indonesia
Kopi Luwak coffee is produced from coffee beans that have been eaten by and passed through the digestive tract animals called mongoose. Coffee fame has been known to foreign countries. Even in the United States, there is a cafe or shop that sells coffee Luwak (civet coffee) at a price that is quite expensive. Dikais coffee from civet droppings can reach the price: $ 160 per pound / USD. Stgh 1,500,000 per Kg.

Notoriety is believed that the myth of coffee in the past, when the coffee plantations massively opened during the reign of the Dutch East Indies until the 1950s, at which time there was still a lot of ferret animal mongoose.
Luwak coffee native of West Lampung

Mongoose, civet or Luwak full, happy looking fruits quite well and cook including coffee fruit as food. Luwak coffee will choose fruit that really cook the food, and after that, the beans are protected and undigested hard skin will come out with the civet droppings. Coffee beans like this, in the past often hunted coffee farmers, as is believed to come from the best coffee beans and naturally fermented in the stomach mongoose. And supposedly, this civet coffee taste really different and special among the fans and connoisseurs of coffee.

2. Hacienda La Esmeralda - Boquete, Panama
Hacienda La Esmeralda's Geisha grown in Boquete, Panama is popular all over the world for its taste. It is mostly cultivated in the shade of old guava trees. You can enjoy a coffee at a price: $ 104 per pound / Rp 1,000,000 per stgh Kg.

3.Island From St. Helena Coffee Company - St Helena
Island of St Helena, 1,200 miles off the coast of Africa is a breeding ground for St Helena Coffee. It owes its popularity is now on Napoleon Bonaparte who praised the coffee sow his seed on the island of St. Helena. You can enjoy a coffee at a price: $ 79 per pound / USD. Stgh 750,000 per Kg.

4. El Injerto - Huehuetenango, Guatemala
This kind of coffee by El Injerto owes its origins in the region of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Has bagged the first prize in the 2006 Cup of Excellence. You can enjoy a coffee at a price: $ 50 per pound / Rp 470,000 per Kg stgh

5. Fazenda Santa Ines - Minas Gerais, Brazil
Rated as the highest in the history of the Cup of Excellence, this coffee is anger with Caffe Artigiano, a famous cafe two roasters in Canada and Australia. This exclusive coffee mugs are available at other specialty stores around the world. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 50 per pound / stgh Rp 470,000 per kg.

6. Blue Mountain - Wallenford Estate, Jamaica
Jamaica Blue Mountain is known for the quality variables. It is very popular among coffee lovers light because the strong flavor and aroma. Japan imports about 85% of this coffee. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 49 per pound / stgh Rp 460,000 per kg.

7. Los Planes - Citala, El Salvador
Los Planes best commercial crop grown in El Salvador ranked second in the Cup of Excellence 2006. This is a 93.52 out of 100 of the international jury in the competition. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 40 per pound / stgh Rp 370,000 per kg.

8. Hawaii Kona Coffee
Brazil introduced the UK to the coffee trees Kona rich volcanic soil at the end of the 1820s. Climate where it's suitable for coffee cultivation. Known with a sense of comfort and taste, you can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 34 per pound / stgh Rp 320,000 per kg.

9. Starbucks Rwanda Blue Bourbon - Gatare / Karengera, Rwanda
Starbucks coffee beans is found in Gatare and Karengera from their visit to the coffee washing stations in Rwanda in 2004. Now, Rwanda Blue Bourboncoffee farmers plant beans as main crops. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 24 per pound / stgh Rp 230,000 per kg.

10. Yauco Selecto AA Coffee - Puerto Rico
Originating in the Yauco, Puerto Rico coffee is known for excellence in the whole world. Produced in Southwestern Puerto Rico Mountains, this coffee valued for mild flavor. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 24 per pound / stgh Rp 230,000 per kg.

Coffee Shops Concept Art

Coffee Shops Concept Art. BisaNgopi, Thursday (10/1) to do a soft opening. Here, visitors can not only enjoy a variety of culinary, but also can enjoy the art of photography.

Yudi, BisaNgopi manager on the sidelines of the soft opening said, a combination of a coffee shop with a photo gallery of the first draft in Batam, Indonesia even. The photos on display are the works of photographers from Batam.

"Special in BisaNgopi, visitors can enjoy a culinary available while looking at photos of a special class of champions. Displayed over 50 beautiful photographs," said Yudi while saying jajajan variety available in the market stall is a hawker. In BisaNgopi, it inadvertently provides a variety of snacks that traditional food has a place. Today, bakery products increasingly displacing traditional foods.

Yudi also added confectionary market jajajan provided BisaNgopi completely kosher. Starting from the manufacturing process, it is not just concerned with a sense of delicacy, also strict quality control, so that visitors can enjoy a delicious meal, healthy and nutritious.

"Our facilities to provide free internet access. There is wifi connection available. Additionally, name, representing the interconnectedness of globalization. Facility so that information is not only available via an internet connection is available free of charge. Concern us of the importance of information , we can make happen by providing a variety of readings. Whether it is the actual magazine or newspaper, "beber Yudi.

"In BisaNgopi, visitors like being at a world-class exhibition. Accidentally we show selected photos. Can be seen, each photo was signed directly by the photographer. Framed pictures that we also sell at reasonable prices. Specials for you who love and appreciate authentic photographic work, "said Yudi.

"In addition to the special coffee BisaNgopi. Jajajan We provide a variety of markets and a variety of other beverages, such as putu ayu, onde-onde, layer cake, pandan bingka, blackforest, apem rice, dragon juice, steamed cakes, and many other lemper. Meanwhile Drinks , like Coffe O, capucino cincaw, teh tarik, coffe milk, milk tea, tea screwdriver, juice avocado, tomato, mango, carrot, melon and many more other types of drinks, "said Yudi.

How To Make A Delicious Coffee

How To Make A Delicious Coffee-Almost everyone likes coffee drinks. Besides when his body can warm winter, coffee can also be claimed to cope with stress. Well, to get a cup of coffee, of course, there are some things to consider ranging from water quality to the quality of coffee beans used.
how to make delicious coffee

Curious? Consider the following reviews ...

Water quality
Quality water to brew the coffee must be considered. If using tap water should be filtered first. Then look at the boiling temperature of water. Ideally should not be up to the turbulent boil if using the coffeemaker.

Select coffee beans
You should buy coffee beans that have not been milled because it will get a taste more delicious. If you buy already ground coffee will lose flavor and freshness. Then on the coffeemaker or coffee directly into a cup or mug of brewed coffee.

Sprinkle salt
If you want a bitter taste in coffee is gone, sprinkle a little salt on the cup to give a better flavor to your coffee. Serve and enjoy coffee while warm so as not to lose the flavor and aroma.

Do not put in the refrigerator

Do not store coffee in the freezer or refrigerator, but keep at room temperature. Coffee flavor is also determined by storage. Room temperature can make a delicious flavored coffee and coffee can last for a week or more.

Let stand for 30 seconds
After boiling water, let stand the water for 30 seconds before adding or mixed with coffee.

Coffee is so Delicious When Taken Good Morning

Coffee is one of the most popular beverage of many people. Of every three people in the world, one of which is a coffee drinker. Coffee is so delicious when taken good morning, or at night when work is piling up.
Coffee is one of the most beverage enjoyed by many people, who do not just gulped, but also enjoyed. Coffee business has become a business tens of billions of dollars, which could only rivaled by the petroleum business.

coffee drinks

History of Coffee Distribution

Plant seeds and then mashed and roasted coffee was served. Method of roasting your own coffee beans is not yet known when the start. But the coffee plant originated from the highlands in Ethiopia, which at that time the wild plants in Ethiopia. Then the coffee plants from here were developed in the Arabian Peninsula around the 15th century, which became famous Arabica Coffee. Arabica coffee is currently the most widely type of coffee produced in the world, reaching more than 60 percent of world coffee production.

According to legend, coffee was discovered by a young Arab named Kaldi, a goat herder. He always noticed that his goats excited always show symptoms after a bite beans and green leaf of a plant. Out of curiosity, he tried to plant the seed and feel the effects of spirit and joy. This discovery eventually spread from mouth to mouth, since it was born according to legend in Arabic coffee.

In 1610, the first coffee crop planted in India. The Dutch began to study the propagation of coffee in 1614. Then in 1616, they managed to obtain coffee seeds and plants lush and immediately established coffee plantations in Sri Lanka and the land of Java (Indonesia) in 1699. Then by the Dutch, the plant is distributed to the Dutch colonies in Central America such as in Suriname and the Caribbean. Then the French also interested in the coffee trade. They bought coffee seeds from Holland and developed in Reunion Island east of Madagascar. However, they failed to develop the coffee here. Then in 1723, the French tried to develop a coffee plant in the island of Martinique. In the 1800s, coffee plants were developed in Hawaii. Later these plants were also developed in Brazil and other regions.

Word Origin Coffee

Coffee or word in the English language comes from the Arabic coffee qahwah, which means strength. Then the coffee as we know it today comes from the Turkish language kahveh which then later became Koffie coffee in Dutch and in English. The word is absorbed into the Indonesian language into coffee.

Buried up to coffee on Now

Coffee was initially used as a food product. Later used as a coffee substitute wine. Coffee later used also as a medicine. And coffee is now known as the drinks are quite the rage.

Coffee was originally used as food. Destroyed whole coffee beans, then add the oil. Then the dough is formed into circular and food. Until now, some tribes in Africa still take coffee in that form.

Later used as a coffee substitute wine. Coffee beans are made as a beverage similar to wine. Some people make a drink like this by pouring boiling water over dried beans.

As a remedy, the coffee can be beneficial for treating migraines, headaches, heart disease, chronic asthma, and bowel disorders. Nevertheless, for excessive coffee consumption can be bad. If belebih consume coffee can increase stomach acid, causing tension, and heart rate. In addition, excessive coffee consumption, often associated with heartburn.

Later used as a coffee drink that is quite delicious. Coffee beans are dried and roasted and ground in a shell. The result then can be a delicious coffee drink. Later found coffee bean grinder machine which facilitates the production of coffee as a beverage.

Various Uses Coffee

Variety of distinctive flavors of coffee makes a pleasant sensation in the mouth. For example, iced coffee or iced coffee sweet usually refreshing. Coffee-flavored ice cream was also a favorite for many people. Coffee is also one of the basic ingredients several types of flavored coffee cake. And the most popular are plain coffee and milk coffee.

But scientists are also investigating other benefits from coffee. The rest of the coffee powder useful as a good fertilizer. In addition, some disinfectant and insulation products for walls, floors and roofs can also be made from coffee. Glycerin is a byproduct of soap, coffee can be made from oil. Coffee oil is also commonly used as an ingredient in paints, soaps, and other products.

Coffee beans can be useful for a variety of products and uses. However, the most popular course as a delicious beverage you drink a lot of people every day.

KopiMeski seeds all over the world there are about 70 species of coffee tree, from the size of a shrub to tree with a height of 12 meters, but there are only two species of coffee trees that are generally known to be produced as a coffee product. Both of these species are used for the production of about 98 percent of world coffee production. What are they? Coffee was first developed in the world is derived from Arabica coffee species Coffea arabica coffee trees. This type of coffee is the most widely produced, which is about more than 60 percent of world coffee production. Arabica coffee species Coffea arabica produce the best kind of coffee. Tree species commonly grown in the highlands. The coffee tree height between 4 to 6 meters. Arabica coffee has a caffeine content of not more than 1.5 per cent and has a chromosome number of 44 chromosomes.

Other species of coffee tree is also pretty much produced as Coffea canephora coffee is often known as Robusta coffee. Coffea canephora tree height reaches 12 meters and can be planted in an area that is lower than arabica coffee. Robusta coffee is usually used as instant coffee or fast food. Robusta coffee has a higher caffeine content, it is more neutral, as well as a stronger coffee aroma. Caffeine content in coffee robusta at 2.8 percent and has a chromosome number of 22 chromosomes. Robusta coffee production currently reaches one-third of all the world's coffee production.

Dilemmas and Dangers of Drinking Coffee Coffee

Although drinking coffee so delicious, but the drink is often raises various dilemmas. Several studies have shown the dangers of drinking coffee. Even in antiquity, the Middle East, coffee beverages could be illegal because they create negative effects. What are the dangers of this delicious coffee?

Coffee consumption has been so widely known today, and the warnings of the experts have repeatedly stated over the years against many dangers which threatened the coffee drinkers. The results showed that coffee enthusiasts should be aware of the dangers that can arise from their coffee drinking habits. Hazards include heart disease, diabetes and even some cancers. However, many people ignore these warnings. Why?

Over the past few years, researchers have published the results of their research on the effect of coffee drinking. However, the conclusions made by the researchers is yet to reach a convincing conclusion. Why? Because usually the researchers only examined the dangers of caffeine, one of 500 natural chemical constituents in a cup of coffee. So in fact the study of coffee is still not final and is far more complex.

Caffeine in coffee has a stimulant effect that is quite dangerous. Caffeine can cause a person to have trouble sleeping. Caffeine also causes difficulty in controlling one's emotions and difficulty concentrating. Caffeine also indicated could lead to cancer.

A Dutch study showed that coffee can raise cholesterol up to 10 percent. Especially if you drink coffee without a filter and directly heated. Cholesterol itself is known to cause heart problems. A British nutritionist recommended to drink fresh coffee and not coffee that has been processed, heated and boiled for some time.

For coffee enthusiasts, experts recommend drinking coffee naturally. Avoid drinking more than six cups of coffee a day. For those who have heart problems, kidney problems and high blood pressure should drink just one cup of coffee a day. For pregnant and lactating women, should also drink no more than a cup of coffee a day. Coffee was delicious, but health is more important than enjoying a coffee in excess. Enjoy your coffee cup! 

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A Few Benefits of Drinking Coffee.

Coffee is already a favorite beverage of people around the world, but certainly not all people know there was so many benefits of coffee that often we consume each day.
For you who like to drink coffee buddy do know what are the benefits contained in coffee? If you do not know let's discuss a few benefits of drinking coffee.

coffee drinks

1. Protecting the Heart
Coffee drinkers who consumed 1-2 cups of black coffee per day had a lower risk of stroke than those who drank no coffee. This is caused by the presence of antioxidants contained in coffee. Coffee has more antioxidants than blueberries. Antioxidants contained in it helps withstand the adverse effects of inflammation in the arteries. Shortly after drinking it, coffee increases blood pressure and heart rate. But after a while, coffee actually lowers blood pressure, because the antioxidants in coffee activates nitric acid in the body resulting in dilation of blood vessels.

2. Prevent diebetes
Coffee antioxidants, especially chlorogenic acid and guinides, play a role to enhance the body's cells to insulin, which helps regulate blood sugar. In fact, people who drink coffee every day have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, according to some studies.

3. Maintaining heart health
Coffee can also minimize the risk of cirrhosis and other liver diseases. One analysis of nine studies found that coffee may reduce the risk of cancer by 43%. This is because the role of antioxidants and caffeine in it.

4. Improve brain power
Drinking coffee regularly may also help reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's, as well as Parkinson's. Antioxidants contained in coffee ward off brain cell damage and help the neural network to work more optimally so that the brain works better.

5. Helps relieve headache
Research shows, 200 milligrams of caffeine can help relieve headaches, including migraines. However no studies that prove how eliminating caffeine headache, but researchers believe that caffeine increases the activity of the brain cells surrounding the blood vessels resulting in tightened.

6. Improve male fertility
Benefits of Drinking Coffee in the Morning Black Heavy and Nimble to make sperm, results of research
For coffee addicts, a cup of coffee in the morning can boost passion and enthusiasm for the move. Not only that, a study conducted by the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, found that drinking black coffee in the morning is also beneficial for male fertility.
For the men come to drink coffee ..


Talking About Coffee For Health

Talking about coffee, a lot of people who still think that coffee is bad for health. Actually it's not entirely true.
Coffee, provided that consumed wisely, it is actually beneficial to health. Whatever, not just coffee, if consumed in excess is definitely not good.

Coffee drinks

Benefits of Coffee

According to Harvard Women's Health, the consumption of several cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, the formation of kidney stones, colon cancer, Parkinson's disease, liver damage (cirrhosis), heart disease and prevent cognitive decline in brain power.

Diabetes. Twenty studies conducted worldwide indicate that coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 50%. The researchers suspect the cause is chlorogenic acid in coffee act to slow the absorption of sugar in digestion. Chlorogenic acid also stimulates the formation of GLP-1, a chemical that increases insulin (a hormone that regulates the absorption of sugar into the cells). Other substances in coffee that trigonelin (pro vitamin B3) is also thought to help slow the absorption of glucose.

Cancer. Research has consistently shown that coffee reduces the risk of liver cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer.
Cirrhosis. Coffee protects the liver from cirrhosis, particularly cirrhosis due to alcoholism.
Parkinson's disease. The coffee drinkers have half the risk of Parkinson's disease is lower than those who did not drink coffee.

Heart disease and stroke. Coffee consumption does not increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Instead, the coffee actually slightly reduce the risk of stroke. A study of more than 83,000 women aged over 24 years showed those who drank two to three cups of coffee a day had a stroke risk 19% lower than those who did not drink coffee. Studies of a number of men in Finland showed similar results.
Cognitive function. Study of 4197 women and 2820 men in France showed that drinking at least three cups of coffee a day can prevent cognitive decline in brain function due to aging by up to 33 percent in women. However, the same benefit was not found in men. This may be because women are more sensitive to caffeine.

Negative Effects Coffee

However, coffee also has a negative effect. The main content of caffeine as coffee is addictive stimulant. Caffeine affects the cardiovascular system such as increased heart rate and blood pressure. The negative impact that appears when you consume to excess.

For most people, drinking two to three cups of coffee does not have a negative impact. Drinking coffee with more frequency than that can cause heart palpitations, insomnia, headaches and other disorders. Therefore, for those who consumed coffee that was not sleepy-such as lack of sleep-suggested that consumption is spread throughout the day.

Research on the relationship of coffee consumption with miscarriage does not provide uniform conclusions. But, just to be safe pregnant women are advised not to drink more than one cup of coffee a day.

The Best Coffee From Indonesia

Indonesia is indeed rich with crops. Since ancient times the peoples of Europe fought to get their Indonesian spices, sugar, tea, cocoa, palm oil, and coffee. It is not a commodity coffee and tea native to Indonesia but since taken entered the archipelago coffee has to be excellent in the world. This article perpetuating 7 types of coffee in Indonesia is very famous in the world and a source of pride of the country is blessed gods. This article is still a lot of shortcomings and we invite the community to comment on the Indonesian coffee and give constructive criticism.

coffee drinks

7. Coffee Wamena
Papua Wamena coffee or coffee in general is kind of Arabica. Plantations are known to be 15,000 feet from the beach with a temperature of 20-25 degrees celsius. The coffee is organic coffee of the highest quality. Because the soil is still very fertile Papua resulting coffee is excellent. Fragrant coffee aroma, smooth and has a very sweet after taste. Some activists have likened this coffee with coffee beans Jamaica Blue Mountain. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is Arabica coffee grown in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica and is a premium coffee. Among other Arabica coffee, coffee contains caffeine at least.

6. Lanang coffee
Coffee lanang not constitute a special type of coffee beans, but the beans are as blind to a single round and not split like coffee beans on umumnnya. True to its name (lanang a Java language for men), coffee is believed to increase the vitality of youth. Coffee is mostly produced in East Java. For penikmati coffee, ideal for coffee consumption this lanang caffeinnya levels so high that it is not easy sleepy beside the coffee tastes so smooth. Lanang coffee is very suitable to be consumed in areas where the air temperature is cold enough, as in the District of Kalibaru and the Glenmore rainfall per year is reached - average 10 years so it was pretty cool in the region ranged from 22 degrees (minimum) to 34 degrees Celsius Celsius (maximum).

5. Kintamani coffee
Bali or Kintamani coffee is arabica coffee that tasted soft and sweet. This coffee is produced in Subak Abian system that encourages pengoloahan coffee organically and cooperation. This coffee has been certified Geographical Indications of CIRAD (Centre de Cooperation en Recherches pour le Developpement Agronomiques / Cooperation in Agricultural Research Centre for International Development, France) as a unique coffee that comes from Bali.

4. Sumatra coffee
Sumatra coffee consists of various types of coffee that comes mostly from Mandailing, Lintong and Gayo. Coffee from this region are usually soft and smooth, slightly sour and flavorful cocoa, tobacco, and soil. In terms of the history of Sumatra coffee is very popular especially coffee Mandailing. Mandailing coffee comes from arabica coffee beans brought yan returned from the Hajj in Mecca and then planted Minangkabau, when the Dutch colonial period the Dutch implementing compulsory cultivation of coffee in 1847. This effort led to the coffee plantations expanded from Minangkabau area flows north, ie to Tapanuli. Lintong coffee is grown in Lintongnihuta and Sidikalang in the southwest of Lake Toba. Aceh Gayo coffee produced around Takengon in Aceh. Because of how the processing is unuik Coffee Gayo softer than Lintong coffee and Mandailing.

3. Toraja coffee
Toraja coffee is coffee which mostly come from around the Tana Toraja area Kalosi. This coffee is very famous. Toraja coffee is coffee that has a low acid content and has a heavy body. Coffee Sulawesi and Sumatra coffee has a distinctive taste similar, such as land and forest flavors. The flavor comes as affected processing after the coffee beans are picked. Toraja coffee is now patented in Japan and the U.S. by local entrepreneurs so that Toraja coffee sales in both countries had to go through both companies.

2. Java coffee
Java coffee or "Java" is one kind of coffee is the world to the point that "Java" is English slang for coffee. Java coffee production began in the 17th century by the Dutch colonial government, and since then it became one of Java's largest coffee producer in the world. Java coffee is Arabica coffee species are unique because the geographical condition of Indonesia. This coffee has a heavy body, sweet, soft and supple, a little forest scent. Java coffee is a part of the legendary mix of "Mocha Java" which is a mixture of Java and Coffee and Yemen. Currently most of the coffee plantations in Java which controlled PTPN Java coffee continue the tradition that is worldwide.

1. Kopi Luwak
Discussion of Indonesian coffee would not be complete without Kopi Luwak. Kopi Luwak is the most expensive type of coffee and is one of the most bizarre coffee production. This coffee is the result of the coffee beans are eaten by animals Luwak (described above) and the undigested coffee beans. The digestive system absorbs the sap-getahdari Luwak coffee beans and coffee Luwak memfermentasinya have a sense of the exotic, almost like syrup and is very gentle with aromas of caramel and cocoa. Taste is unmatched. The origins of coffee, according to folklore is unique. When the Dutch colonization era farmers are prohibited from tasting coffee beans from plantations that they worked. Because I wanted to try the coffee drinks and then one day they find out that the animal Luwak coffee and eat the fruit of the coffee bean throwing pencernaanya intact. The farmers take the beans and boil it. Because it's very exotic civet coffee then spread everywhere.

The Best Types of Coffee

Types of coffee.There are so many varieties of coffee. However, the most famous trade there are two types of course. Namely Robusta and Arabica coffee. Coffee is a unique plant. When planted near a tree durian, the smell of coffee will be fragrant durian. So also when planted near citrus trees. Then the citrus fragrance will be in attendance when coffee was served kelaknya. Similarly, sensitivity and scent absorption or storage time after harvest coffee powder. Must be on guard not to be contaminated by unwanted scents.

Low high plains where planting coffee trees in contributing to the improvement of coffee quality. It is recommended, for the ideal height so that the coffee aroma better is the height of 600 hingg 1800 Meter above sea level. It is about the height of the coffee planting area is not the only reason for joy aroma or flavor of coffee. Because many popular varieties of coffee, it comes from the plains is not high.

Arabica coffee is believed to have a richer flavor than Robusta coffee. But in its development. The producers made a distinctive mix recipe. One of the famous traditional mix is ​​Mocha-Java. Blending coffee with chocolate to give the feel of a distinctive taste and many people enjoy. Some kinds of coffee can be mentioned. Among other things, Americano, Espresso, Black Coffee, Café Latte, Café Au Lait, Cappuccino, Cafe Macchiato, Hammerhead, Espresso Con Panna, and Instant Coffee Frappe.

That each manufacturer has its own way and herbs to build flavor and aroma of homemade coffee. In www., we mix, mix and serve the coffee mainstay in no way exaggerated. We believe that too much improvisation in preparing the coffee, it will ruin the taste and aroma of the coffee. Book, one cup of coffee in BisaNgopi. We will present a simple steeping the coffee sensations we believe members should. Do not immediately stirred cup of coffee steeping presented. Because we put sugar on the bottom of the cup. Please stir your liking.

Benefits of Drinking Coffee Black

Benefits of Drinking Coffee Black.Coffee is already a favorite beverage of people around the world, but certainly not all people know there was so many benefits of coffee that often we consume each day. For you who like to drink coffee buddy do know what are the benefits contained in coffee? If you do not know let's discuss a few benefits of drinking coffee.
1. Protecting the Heart Coffee drinkers who consumed 1-2 cups of black coffee per day had a lower risk of stroke than those who drank no coffee. This is caused by the presence of antioxidants contained in coffee. Coffee has more antioxidants than blueberries. Antioxidants contained in it helps withstand the adverse effects of inflammation in the arteries. Shortly after drinking it, coffee increases blood pressure and heart rate. But after a while, coffee actually lowers blood pressure, because the antioxidants in coffee activates nitric acid in the body resulting in dilation of blood vessels.
2. Prevent diebetes Coffee antioxidants, especially chlorogenic acid and guinides, play a role to enhance the body's cells to insulin, which helps regulate blood sugar. In fact, people who drink coffee every day have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, according to some studies.
3. Maintaining heart health Coffee can also minimize the risk of cirrhosis and other liver diseases. One analysis of nine studies found that coffee may reduce the risk of cancer by 43%. This is because the role of antioxidants and caffeine in it.
4. Improve brain power Drinking coffee regularly may also help reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's, as well as Parkinson's. Antioxidants contained in coffee ward off brain cell damage and help the neural network to work more optimally so that the brain works better.
5. Helps relieve headache Research shows, 200 milligrams of caffeine can help relieve headaches, including migraines. However no studies that prove how eliminating caffeine headache, but researchers believe that caffeine increases the activity of the brain cells surrounding the blood vessels resulting in tightened.

6. Improve male fertility Benefits of Drinking Coffee in the Morning Black Heavy and Nimble to make sperm, results of research For coffee addicts, a cup of coffee in the morning can boost passion and enthusiasm for the move. Not only that, a study conducted by the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, found that drinking black coffee in the morning is also beneficial for male fertility. For the men come to drink coffee .. hehe 


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Pembahasan Tentang Dunia Perbangan Nasional

I.             Pembahasan
Dalam sistem transportasi nasional yang memiliki sasaran terciptanya penyelenggaraan  transportasi yang :
         Efektif dalam arti:
Selamat, aksesibilitas tinggi, terpadu, kapasitas mencukupi, teratur, lancar dan cepat, mudah dicapai, tepat waktu, nyaman, tarif terjangkau, tertib, aman, dan polusi rendah.
         Efisien dalam arti:
Beban publik rendah dan utilitas tinggi.
Dalam sistem transportasi nasional yang memiliki fungsi antara lain :
         Sebagai unsur penunjang (servicing)
Menyediakan jasa transportasi yang efektif dan efisien untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sektor lain, sekaligus juga berfungsi ikut menggerakkan dinamika pembangunan nasional serta sebagai industri jasa yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah.

   Sebagai unsur pendorong (promoting)
Menyediakan jasa transportasi yang efektif untuk menghubungkan daerah terisolasi dengan daerah berkembang yang berada di luar wilayahnya dan/atau luar negeri sehingga terjadi pertumbuhan perekonomian yang sinergis.
Dari uraian di atas dapat diketahui mengenai pentingnya menciptakan sistem transportasi yang efektif dan efieien dengan memperhatikan aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhi termasuk dalam keselamatan transportasi udara. Dari permasalahan-permasalahan yang muncul tersebut dapat dilakukan beberapa upaya untuk menangani permasalahan antara lain :
1.      Pengawasan Pemerintah
Dalam hal ini pemerintah berfungsi sebagai regulator yakni pihak yang mengeluarkan regulasi penting khususnya mengenai transportasi udara.
Dalam hal pengoperasian pesawat terbang komersial, setiap maskapai penerbangan harus terlebih dahulu memiliki AOC (Aircraft Operating Certificate atau Sertifikasi Pengoperasian Pesawat) dan setiap organisasi perawatan pesawat terbang (lazim disebut juga Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Station/MRO) wajib memiliki sertifikat AMO (Approved Maintenance Organization) yang diterbitkan oleh Ditjen Hubud.
Kewajiban Ditjen Hubud terhadap para pemegang AOC dan AMO adalah membina, mengawasi, menyupervisi, dan mengendalikan para operator/airlines dan MRO.
Ditjen Hubud juga bertanggung jawab dalam penerbitan licence bagi para personel seperti pilot dan mekanik, juga penerbitan otorisasi bagi dispatcher (mekanik atau pilot yang berhak mengizinkan pesawat untuk terbang) dan penerbitan Certificate of Airworthiness (CoA, sertifikat kelaikan terbang) bagi pesawat terbang yang akan beroperasi.
Dengan peranan Ditjen Hubud yang sedemikian besar jelas bahwa hitam putihnya para pelaku bisnis penerbangan tidak akan terlepas dari sejauh mana Ditjen Hubud melaksanakan fungsi dan tanggung jawabnya secara tepat. Semua pesawat terbang yang masuk dan dioperasikan oleh maskapai penerbangan Indonesia harus melalui izin dan verifikasi Ditjen Hubud untuk memperoleh CoA, tidak terkecuali bila pesawat tersebut bukan pesawat baru.
Peran sentral dan kewajiban pemerintah dalam menjaga keselamatan transportasi seharusnyalah bersifat proaktif dan bukannya reaktif setelah terjadinya kecelakaan.

2.      Memperketat Keselamatan
Departemen Perhubungan akan membatasi usia pesawat udara jet yang boleh dioperasionalkan pertama kali oleh maskapai penerbangan nasional yakni maksimal 10 tahun dan 70.000 pendaratan.
Untuk menghindari adanya bias tanggung jawab apabila terjadi sesuatu, seyogianya, maskapai penerbangan tidak melakukan perawatan pesawat sendiri kecuali daily maintenance. Untuk melakukan Schedule Maintenance (By Calendar and / or Flight Hours) dan Un- Schedule Maintenance (Major Repair, Minor Repair,On Condition) sebaiknya menggunakan jasa MRO seperti Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF), Merpati Maintenance Facility (MMF), dan fasilitas serupa lainnya.
Perawatan pesawat yang tepat untuk menjaga keselamatan penerbangan memang mungkin berharga mahal, tetapi akan lebih mahal lagi apabila terjadi kecelakaan. Dengan adanya korban jiwa, aset pesawat yang hilang, santunan yang harus dibayar, kemungkinan dituntut di pengadilan, reputasi perusahaan yang rusak, bahkan kredibilitas pemerintah pun mungkin akan turun.

3.      Peremajaan Pesawat
Untuk kebanyakan maskapai penerbangan, jawaban dari pertanyaan kapan pesawat terbang sudah dianggap tua adalah cukup sederhana, bila umur (useful life) keekonomian pesawat tersebut sudah berakhir. Namun, sebuah pesawat terbang yang sudah dianggap tua oleh suatu negara, misalnya, mungkin masih dianggap cukup muda oleh negara lain.
Umur pesawat terbang tidak hanya ditentukan dari berapa tahun sejak awal terbang, tetapi juga berapa banyak flight cycle (take off/landing atau lepas landas dan mendarat) yang pernah dilakukannya.

4.      Penentuan Batas Tarif Pesawat untuk Menghindari Persaingan Tidak Sehat
Pemerintah berupaya membalikkan keadaan dengan menaikkan tarif referensi. Tarif referensi merupakan alat agar maskapai penerbangan tidak melanggar komponen keamanan terbang. Faktor-faktor penghitung yang masuk dalam tarif referensi itu antara lain mencakup asuransi, biaya perawatan pesawat, manajemen, tingkat keterisian penumpang 75 %, aumsi harga avtur Rp 4.600 dan pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN).
Kenaikan tarif referensi diperkirakan sekitar 30 %, tidak akan mengurangi perang harga tetapi akan berdampak positif terhadap keselamatan penumpang dan masa depan airlines yang bersangkutan. Dengan ongkos pesawat yang relatif sama maka manajemen airlines akan dipaksa kreatif, efisiensi di segala lini, memasuki segmentasi yang tepat dan membangun kualitas pelayanan yang prima. Kenaikan tarif referensi harus disusul kebijaksanaan lain untuk mengamankan pasar domestik.
Sebetulnya penentuan tarif angkutan udara telah diatur dalam Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor 8 tahun 2002 tentang mekanisme penetapan dan formulasi perhitungan tarif penumpang angkutan udara niaga
Tarif dasar adalah besaran tarif yang dinyatakan dalam nilai rupiah per penumpang kilometer;. Tarif jarak adalah besaran tarif per rute penerbangan per satu kalo penerbangan, untuk setiap penumpangyang merupakan hasil perkalian antara tarif dasar dengan jarak serta dengan memperhatikan faktor daya beli. Tarif normal (normal fee) adalah tarif jarak tertinggu yang diijinkan diberlakukan oleh perusahaan angkutan udara dan ditetapkan oleh Menteri Perhubungan. Tarif batas adalah tarif jarak tertinggi/ maksimum yang diijinkan diberlakukan oleh perusahaan angkutan udara dan ditetapkan oleh Menteri Perhubungan.
Besaran tarif dasar dan tarif jarak diusulkan oleh Direktur Jenderal kepada Menteri untuk ditetapkan setelah dilakukan pembahsan terlebih dahulu dengan:
a. asosiasi perusahaan angkutan udara;
b. perusahaan angkutan udara
c. pengguna jasa angkutan udara
Besaran tarif dasar dan tarif jarak disampaikan oleh Direktur Jenderal sebagiamana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) disampaikan secara tertulis dengan melampirkan:
a. perhitungan biaya operasi pesawat udara
b. justifikasi penyesuaian tarif dasar dan atau tarif jarak
c. hasil bahasan dengan masyarakat transportasi udara
Menteri menetapkan besaran tarif dasar dan atau tarif jarak sebagaimana diusulkan Direktur Jenderal dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi ekonomi, sosial dan politik.
Tarif dasar di peroleh dari hasil perhitungan biaya pokok rata-rata ditambah keuntungan. Biaya pokok dimaksud terdiri dari komponen biaya, yaitu:
a. biaya langsung, terdiri dari biaya tetap dan biaya variable;
b. biaya tidak langsung terdiri dari biaya organisasi dan biaya pemasaran.
Namun tarif seperti diatur dalam Kepmen diatas hanya mengatur batas atas tarif sedangkan batas bawah tarif angkutan udara belum diatur secara jelas mengingat tarif diperoleh dari besarnya biaya pokok ditambah keuntungan. Dengan konsep biaya operasional yang ditekan memnugkinkan maskapai penerbangan tetp memperoleh keuntungan walaupun tarifnya murah.

5.      Perlu adanya sanksi hukum yang tegas kepada maskapai yang tidak menerapkan keselamatan layak
Maskapai yang mengabaikan keselamatan perlu mendapat sanksi yang tegas dengan landasan hukum yang kuat. Seringkali pelanggaran yang terjadi kurang diperhatikan. Pemerintah bertindak setelah terjadi kecelakaan. Tentu saja penumpang sebagai konsumen sangat dirugikan mengingat konsumen berhak untuk mendapatkan rasa aman dalam pelayanan transportasi.
Sanksi yang dapat diberikan sangat bervariasi tergantung tingkat kesalahannya. Sanksi tersebut dapat berupa teguran, penundaan izin, atau bahkan mencabut izin usaha maskapai penerbangan.
Diharapkan dengan adanya sanksi tegas tersebut dapat menimbulkan efek jera kepada maskapai penerbangan sehingga lebih memperhatikan semua aspek yang harus dipenuhi khususnya keamanan dan keselamatan.

Cara Menjaga Keselamatan Penerbangan Udara

1. Keselamatan penerbangan 

Tiga pihak yang sangat berpengaruh dalam keselamatan penerbangan yakni, regulator, operator dan penumpang itu sendiri. Namun dalam hal ini faktor keselamatan lebih disebabkan oleh maskapai sebagai operator penerbangan. Konsep low cost barrier (LCC) yang dilakukan dengan menekan biaya operasional ternyata mengabaikan faktor keselamatan. Untuk menekan harga tiket, strategi yang diterapkan LCC pada umumnya adalah dengan hanya memakai satu tipe pesawat, utilisasi sebuah pesawat semaksimal mungkin, turn around time di darat seminimum mungkin. Penggunaan pesawat secara terus menerus tersebut tidak diikuti dengan perawatan (maintenance) pesawat baik dari maskapai sehingga potensi pesawat mengalami kerusakan cukup tinggi. 

Maskapai penerbangan swasta kian banyak dan marak dengan praktik perang tarif yang seolah tak terhindarkan. Di satu pihak, bisnis jasa penerbangan yang kian kompetitif ini membuat ketatnya jadwal para pilot yang menyebabkan mereka kurang cukup istirahat 

2. Persaingan yang tidak sehat antar maskapai penerbangan 

Operator baru menerapkan tarif murah meskipun belum mencapai status low cost airlines. Jadi ada kesenjangan antara penerimaan dan pengeluaran. Sejumlah operator baru berhasil bertahan karena ada injeksi modal atau lantaran subsidi silang. 

Operator lama maupun baru menghadapi problem yang tidak mudah. Mereka memperebutkan pangsa pasar yang terbatas. Mereka memperebutkan rupiah, padahal kebanyakan utang di denominasi dalam dolar AS.Terjadi pertarungan dan persaingan yang tidak sehat antar maskapai yang sebenarnya bisa dihindari jika regulator sejak awal bersikap selektif. 

Hal tersebut berakibat terjadinya perang tarif antar maskapai penerbangan dengan pemberlakuan tarif semurah-murahnya dengan menekan biaya operasional dengan cara mengurangi beberapa kenyamanan termasuk keselamatan penerbangan.

Citilink Jasa Penerbangan Tiket Murah


Jakarta, 5 Juli 2012Citilink, Unit Usaha Strategis (SBU) dari PT Garuda Indonesia, Tbk, untuk jasa penerbangan berbiaya murah (LCC), hari ini meresmikan penerimaan sertifikat Air Operation Certificate (AOC) dari Departemen Perhubungan Republik Indonesia. Sertifikat ini menandai era baru perubahan dalam manajemen Citilink yang sebelumnya berada di bawah manajemen PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk., untuk menjadi manajemen yang dinamis dan mandiri.
AOC adalah sertifikasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Departemen Perhubungan RI bagi perusahaan maskapai yang resmi beroperasi di Indonesia. Selama ini, sebagai anak perusahaan PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk., Citilink beroperasi dengan menggunakan AOC milik Garuda Indonesia. Kini dengan memiliki AOC sendiri, Citilink resmi menjadi salah satu maskapai Indonesia yang independen.

Peresmian penerimaan AOC ini, merupakan bagian dari serangkaian proses rebranding yang telah dijalankan Citilink sepanjang tahun ini. Selain peluncuran livery baru dan warna baru Citilink, Citilink telah menjalankan pula strategi peluncuran branding secara menyeluruh, mulai dari interior baru pesawat, kantor tiketing, seragam baru awak kabin, situs dan lay out baru, serta didukung program marketing dan komunikasi untuk menjangkau masyarakat secara luas.

“Strategi pengembangan Citilink ini bertujuan agar partisipasi kami dalam jasa transportasi udara untuk segmen penerbangan berbiaya murah dapat segera dicermati masyarakat. Kami berharap strategi rebranding ini bisa membawa dampak positif bagi tradisi kualitas keselamatan, kenyamanan dan keamanan Garuda Indonesia grup, khususnya untuk segmen yang disasar Citilink”, ungkap Arif Wibowo, Senior Vice President Citilink.

Selanjutnya Arif Wibowo pun menambahkan, “Dalam waktu dekat ini, secara operasional, Citilink akan segera mengudara dan beroperasi penuh secara mandiri dengan dua digit nomor identifikasi baru sebagai puncak dari Spin Off Citilink. Satu satunya penerbangan di dunia yang melakukan spin off di saat penerbangan tersebut masih beroperasi, ya cuma Citilink. Tunggu tanggal mainnya.”

Sebagai bukti keberhasilan Citilink dalam komitmennya meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggan, Citilink telah meraih beberapa penghargaan antara lain oleh Indonesia Travel and Tourism Foundation untuk kategori Leading Low Cost Airline 2011/2012, kategori  Best Overall Marketing Campaign di The Budgies and Travel Awards 2012 dan yang terbaru yaitu penghargan Service To Care Award 2012 untuk Airlines category dari Markplus Insight.

Tentang Garuda Indonesia
PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (IDX: GIAA), yang dikenal dengan Garuda Indonesia, adalah maskapai nasional Indonesia. Berkantor pusat di Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Sebagian besar saham dari Garuda Indonesia masih dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Indonesia, dan sebagian dimiliki oleh publik. Garuda Indonesia adalah maskapai penerbangan “full service” dengan “4-star Skytrax” dan “IOSA certified”, melayani 32 kota tujuan domestik dan 17 kota di luar Indonesia. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi 

Tentang Citilink
Citilink adalah Unit Usaha Strategis (SBU) dari PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk., untuk menyediakan jasa penerbangan berbiaya murah (LCC). Citilink melayani penerbangan dengan sistem dari kota ke kota menggunakan model usaha pesawat berbiaya murah. Berbasis di Jakarta dan Surabaya, Citilink melayani 8 rute harian dari Jakarta dan Surabaya ke Batam, Banjarmasin, Denpasar, Balikpapan, Medan dan Ujung pandang. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Citilink dapat mengunjungi: Halaman fanpage di Facebook (Citilink) dan di Twitter (@citilink).

Kontak Media:
Aristo Kristandyo                                                      Ratri Nur Wulandari
Citilink                                                                        Fortune PR
SM Marketing & Communication                               Public Relations
Gedung Citicon                                                           Gedung Citicon
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