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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

This is 10 World's Most Expensive Coffee

10 World's Most Expensive Coffee

coffee drinks

1. Kopi Luwak - Indonesia
Kopi Luwak coffee is produced from coffee beans that have been eaten by and passed through the digestive tract animals called mongoose. Coffee fame has been known to foreign countries. Even in the United States, there is a cafe or shop that sells coffee Luwak (civet coffee) at a price that is quite expensive. Dikais coffee from civet droppings can reach the price: $ 160 per pound / USD. Stgh 1,500,000 per Kg.

Notoriety is believed that the myth of coffee in the past, when the coffee plantations massively opened during the reign of the Dutch East Indies until the 1950s, at which time there was still a lot of ferret animal mongoose.
Luwak coffee native of West Lampung

Mongoose, civet or Luwak full, happy looking fruits quite well and cook including coffee fruit as food. Luwak coffee will choose fruit that really cook the food, and after that, the beans are protected and undigested hard skin will come out with the civet droppings. Coffee beans like this, in the past often hunted coffee farmers, as is believed to come from the best coffee beans and naturally fermented in the stomach mongoose. And supposedly, this civet coffee taste really different and special among the fans and connoisseurs of coffee.

2. Hacienda La Esmeralda - Boquete, Panama
Hacienda La Esmeralda's Geisha grown in Boquete, Panama is popular all over the world for its taste. It is mostly cultivated in the shade of old guava trees. You can enjoy a coffee at a price: $ 104 per pound / Rp 1,000,000 per stgh Kg.

3.Island From St. Helena Coffee Company - St Helena
Island of St Helena, 1,200 miles off the coast of Africa is a breeding ground for St Helena Coffee. It owes its popularity is now on Napoleon Bonaparte who praised the coffee sow his seed on the island of St. Helena. You can enjoy a coffee at a price: $ 79 per pound / USD. Stgh 750,000 per Kg.

4. El Injerto - Huehuetenango, Guatemala
This kind of coffee by El Injerto owes its origins in the region of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Has bagged the first prize in the 2006 Cup of Excellence. You can enjoy a coffee at a price: $ 50 per pound / Rp 470,000 per Kg stgh

5. Fazenda Santa Ines - Minas Gerais, Brazil
Rated as the highest in the history of the Cup of Excellence, this coffee is anger with Caffe Artigiano, a famous cafe two roasters in Canada and Australia. This exclusive coffee mugs are available at other specialty stores around the world. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 50 per pound / stgh Rp 470,000 per kg.

6. Blue Mountain - Wallenford Estate, Jamaica
Jamaica Blue Mountain is known for the quality variables. It is very popular among coffee lovers light because the strong flavor and aroma. Japan imports about 85% of this coffee. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 49 per pound / stgh Rp 460,000 per kg.

7. Los Planes - Citala, El Salvador
Los Planes best commercial crop grown in El Salvador ranked second in the Cup of Excellence 2006. This is a 93.52 out of 100 of the international jury in the competition. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 40 per pound / stgh Rp 370,000 per kg.

8. Hawaii Kona Coffee
Brazil introduced the UK to the coffee trees Kona rich volcanic soil at the end of the 1820s. Climate where it's suitable for coffee cultivation. Known with a sense of comfort and taste, you can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 34 per pound / stgh Rp 320,000 per kg.

9. Starbucks Rwanda Blue Bourbon - Gatare / Karengera, Rwanda
Starbucks coffee beans is found in Gatare and Karengera from their visit to the coffee washing stations in Rwanda in 2004. Now, Rwanda Blue Bourboncoffee farmers plant beans as main crops. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 24 per pound / stgh Rp 230,000 per kg.

10. Yauco Selecto AA Coffee - Puerto Rico
Originating in the Yauco, Puerto Rico coffee is known for excellence in the whole world. Produced in Southwestern Puerto Rico Mountains, this coffee valued for mild flavor. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 24 per pound / stgh Rp 230,000 per kg.